Lent Prayer Guide

Wednesday, March 5th, is Ash Wednesday, which marks the start of the season of Lent.

Lent, taken from the Old English word meaning ‘springtime’, is a time when the Church around the world takes extra time and makes extra space to focus our minds and hearts on the life and death of Jesus. Lent is a 40-day journey that culminates in the Easter Sunday celebration of Jesus' resurrection. Lent is a season for us to walk the challenging and important road of confessing and repenting for our sins, fasting from daily wants and needs, and seeking God's transforming grace for all the ways that we seek our treasure in people and places other than God Himself.

This prayer guide is filled with prayers that are shaped directly by God’s Word. We hope that as we listen to God’s Word and pray God’s Word, that the Living Word, the Lord Jesus Christ, will shape our lives more fully to his life.  We hope and pray that this guide will help you walk closely with Jesus and help you worship him.